Sunday, February 10, 2013

I have made a decision, a decision that will change my life hopefully for the better but we'll see.
I don't think I am going to continue with the college, at least not like I am it is not the most important thing in my life, and while I have tried so hard to make it, it will never be.

Maybe this is a reality check, maybe it's nothing at all.
I am really tired, and I've been very sick the past 5 months I've been on IV antibiotics and they didn't help, I spent a week in the hospital and nothing. I've been pretending i'm fine, that it was all nothing that it was going to go away, but It won't.  I can't walk up a flight of stairs without needing a 5 minute break to catch my breath. I have spent a long time pretending but i think it's time to realize that I am sick, someday i won't get better, there will be no fixing me and I am grateful that it isn't today, and I'm done treating today like it's nothing.

I've decided that I will jump head first into the dreams I used to plan my life around, no matter how childish or unrealistic people think they are.
I sing. I love to sing, and I am SO lucky to have a voice.
I've lost friends, fellow Cystic's and I want to be their voice. I want to stand in front of people and tell them that I am a Cystic, but I am also lucky to experience life because some people never do.

I want to teach people that life isn't something to be quoted or stared at it's something to be experienced. Speak the words live in those moments you think are impossible because they're not.

You're not impossible.

Marissa Parks

1 comment:

  1. I'm sadden to you hear of your struggles as of late. But I'm very encourage of your pursuit of your dreams. May you reach those and everything beyond it. =)
