Saturday, November 30, 2013

I guess you could say I am a mess

I've just run into a tunnel in my life and I can't seem to find the light at the end, or even the walls to know if i'm going in the right direction. I've left one of my biggest dreams behind for reasons beyond my control but I still can't help but feel that i've lost myself completely in that decision. I am not in any emotional distress of any sort, I am just at a loss of what is to come next in my life.
I've come to a point where I am at a road of convenience and a road of the unknown and while I know which road I should take I can't help but question the other as well. Time has never been a companion of mine and I don't depend on it now, but I can't help but beg for a few spare seconds to catch my breath before I dive into another decision, another commitment.
I look to the future with optimism and hope, but the remnants of the past cling to the walls of my home keeping me safe and warm. How can I abandon that, the security of what I know? I've left so many times and everything pulls me back to this prison.

I cling to my dreams because they've come to be the only parts of me that don't change or tire. They're endless and they give me somewhere to hide. I've faced my dream once and leaving it behind put a crack in my soul.  That dream wove so many new possibilities, but it was as if my fingers grew numb and I had to drop them all. I feel as if I were driving down a highway and the roads disappeared. I am still going somewhere, but at this point I have no clue where i'll end up.

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