Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome to February!

A month or love and wonderful things! My favorite part of February is when winter starts to end and spring begins!
I don't have a monthly goal yet other than my long term goals. I will keep working out so I can jog the 5K in March, and I hope to keep my grades in a successful place so I can make the Deans list this semester.

I started a new college this semester it's Baker College of Flint it is a business college I am studying Business Management. I spent a year and a half going to Iowa Central a community college in Fort Dodge IA where I studied music and met some of the best people!

I can't wait to continue my journey into the month of February! It's going to be a great month!

Best wishes,


1 comment:

  1. Although Spring officially starts in March, we don't really experience the season till April or so. Congrats on transitioning to a new school. What made you change your min on switching majors?
